Code of Conduct

pg电子试玩入口(“大学”)特此采用以下行为准则,以确保没有不当行为或冲突, whether actual, potential, or perceived, 出现与学生贷款或优先贷款人指定,并重申其承诺,以满足其学生和家长的需求.

Prohibition of Certain Remuneration to University Employees

1. No officer, trustee, director, employee, 或大学的代理人不得代表他或她自己或代表他人从贷款机构或代表贷款机构接受任何超过名义价值的东西, except that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit any officer, trustee, director, employee, or agent of the University from conducting (i) non-University business with any Lending Institution; or (ii) University business unrelated to education loans. As used in the preceding sentence and throughout the Code of Conduct, a Lending Institution is defined as:

(a )Any entity that itself or through an affiliate engages in the business of making loans to students, parents or others for purposes of financing higher education expenses or that securitizes such loans; or

(b) Any entity, or association of entities, that guarantees education loans


(c) Any industry, trade or professional association that, to the best of the University's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, receives money from any entity described above in subsections (a) and (b).

2. 本条款或整个行为准则均不妨碍大学成为任何非营利性专业协会的成员.

3. The prohibition set forth in Paragraph 1 shall include, but not be limited to, a ban on any payment or reimbursement by a Lending Institution to a University employee for lodging, meals, 或参加会议或培训研讨会,除非此类付款或报销仅与非大学业务或与教育贷款无关的大学业务有关.

Limitations on University Employees Participating on Lender Advisory Boards

4. The University shall prohibit any of its officers, trustees, directors, employees, or agents from receiving any remuneration for serving as a member of or participant in an advisory board of a Lending Institution, or receiving any reimbursement of expenses for so serving, provided, however, 在任何方面与高等教育贷款无关的顾问委员会的参与,不应被禁止的守则

Prohibition of Certain Remuneration to the University

5. 大学不得代表自己接受任何贷款机构提供的任何有价值的东西,以换取与其教育贷款活动有关的任何利益或对价. This prohibition shall include, but not be limited to, (i) "revenue sharing" by a Lending Institution with the University, (ii)大学从任何借贷机构收到的以低于市场价格购买的电脑硬件,以及(iii)直接代表大学支付的打印费用或服务. Notwithstanding anything else in this paragraph, the University may accept assistance as contemplated in 34 CFR 682.200(b)(definition of "Lender")(S)(i).

Preferred Lender Lists

6. 如果大学公布首选或推荐贷款机构名单或类似排名或指定(“首选贷款机构名单”), then

(a) Every brochure, 列出优先贷款人名单的网页或其他文件必须清楚地披露大学为该优先贷款人名单选择贷款人的过程, including but not limited to the criteria used in compiling said list and the relative importance of those criteria; and

(b) Every brochure, 列出首选贷款人名单或在该首选贷款人名单上确定任何贷款人的网页或其他文件,应以与文件主要文本相同的字体和方式声明,学生及其家长有权利和能力选择他们所选择的教育贷款提供者, are not required to use any of the lenders on the Preferred Lender List, and will suffer no penalty for choosing a lender that is not on the Preferred Lender List.


(d) The composition of any Preferred Lender List shall be reviewed no less than annually;

(e) Any Preferred Lender List shall be composed of at least three Lending Institutions;


(g) No Lending Institution that, to the best of the University's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, 将其贷款出售给另一家无关联贷款机构的协议应包括在任何首选贷款人名单中,除非该协议在其中以与首选贷款人名单中出现的文件的主要文本相同的字体和方式披露;

(h)对于特定类型的贷款,大学不得将任何贷款机构列入任何首选贷款机构名单,也不得将其列入任何首选贷款机构名单的有利位置, 以换取与其他类型贷款相关的向大学或大学学生提供的好处,除非这些好处已在首选贷款人名单上充分披露.

Prohibition of Lending Institutions' Staffing of University Financial Aid Offices

7. 大学应确保任何贷款机构的雇员或其他代理人都不会向大学的学生或未来的学生或他们的父母确认为大学的雇员或代理人. No employee or other agent of a Lending Institution may staff the University financial aid offices at any time, 除了贷款机构可以协助大学通知学生有关教育贷款和其他方面的经济援助, provided that any employees or other agents relationship to the Lending Institution is disclosed.

Proper Execution of Master Promissory Notes

8. 大学不得将潜在借款人链接或以其他方式直接指向任何电子主本票或其他贷款协议,这些协议不允许学生输入提供相关贷款的任何贷款人的贷款代码或名称.

School as Lender

9. If the University participates in the "School as Lender" program under 20 U.S.C. § 1085(d)(l)(E), the University shall be guided by this Code of Conduct, as applicable, in the administration of School as Lender loans.

Prohibition of Opportunity Loans

10. As used herein, "override pools," "opportunity funds," and "opportunity loans" refer to any agreement, 理解或实践,如果大学在与该贷方的其他贷款方面达到某些里程碑或指标,则贷方对特定类别的贷款申请人采用比其他情况下更宽松的贷款承保标准, such as the number of loans initiated or in force, or the dollar amount of such loans, or where the lender agrees with the University to lend money to students outside the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), at the University's direction, 作为交换,大学退出联邦直接贷款计划和/或向学生推销贷款人单独的FFELP贷款.

11. The University shall not arrange with a Lending Institution to participate in any override pools, opportunity funds, or opportunity loans, as defined above, if the participation in such program(s) prejudices any other borrower.

12. The University will not steer a first-time borrower to any particular lender through award packaging or any other method, such as advertisement, promotion, or publication on the University's website, through email, or other method.

13. The University will not delay or refuse certification of any loan based on the borrower's lender selection.

14. The University prohibits conflicts of interest as they relate to the awarding and disbursing of Title IV student loans. No person related to a student may award or disburse student loans to that student.